Welcome bright insightful football coaches!!

This is an opportunity to share opinions about the true development of young football players. It is for teachers of the game who have the holistic development of the individual within this wonderful game, as the sole motive behind their coaching practice - it is not for those that spend time talking tactics with U10 players - it is not for those that select physical over mental and technical. It is solely for those people that think before they do and reflect once they have done so for the continual development of their players and for themselves as teachers of the game.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Communication For Coaches - Part I: Are you a Conscious Communicator?

Regardless of whether you like it or not, you are ALWAYS communicating. It is this vital fact that many people, not just coaches are unaware of and often it can create extensive problems or get exactly the kind of response/outcome they sought.  

It is this vital fact that drives every politician with at least a minute amount of intelligence to spend vast amounts of money, time and effort attempting to manipulate the way their communication is received by people. It is also exactly the same fact that enables the advertising industry to command billions of dollars worldwide.

Jose Mourinho: Psychology Diploma
In education a degree is required to be a teacher where a vast amount of time is spent educating potential educators of the next generation so that they are able to impart knowledge in the most efficient and comprehensible way.

In recent years the English Football Association’s Advanced Coach Education Licence (the UEFA A Licence), was comprised of two 14-day residential courses (including assessments) that were mandatory in attaining the qualification. There was only one, 90-minute seminar dedicated to communication for coaches in their field of practice.

Sir Alex Ferguson: Master Communicator

Coaching IS communication - You will be average with average communication but you will exceed expectations with clear, precise, deliberate and thought-provoking communication.

“..as a player I was never happy when a manager responded with vagueness or groping indecision.”   Sir Alex Ferguson    

“..of course he never lost the ability to make what he said produce an impact, whether he was expressing anger or dispensing grandfatherly wisdom, and there was never a greater exponent of the quiet put-down.”  
Sir Alex Ferguson about Jock Stein

“..those are the best two words in football. There is no need to elaborate. Well done’ says it all”         Sir Alex Ferguson


 If you are not concerned about the presence that you create within the learning environment you are looking to create then you are ignoring a fantastic opportunity to gain a huge advantage in your coaching practice.

So much of your success is not about ‘what’ you do but ‘how’ you do it….not about ‘what’ you say but ‘how’ you say it - coaches are people managers….influencers of minds - think, teacher, actor, business leader and politicians and/or leaders of nations.

“There was a promotion going for the next step up – manager.

There were two possible candidates, myself and Rob.
On paper I had more experience, more expertise, most of the staff wanted me as their manager and I generally knew the job better. Rob, to be honest was useless.

I was chatting to an outside consultant the company used and asked him what he thought my chances were. ‘Slim’, he replied. I was indignant.

I explained all about my experience, my expertise, my abilities. ‘Yep,’ he replied, ‘but you don’t walk like a manager’”

“Rob got the job. I had to work under a moron.”  

The Rules of Work - Richard Templar

Is there a difference.......and does it make a difference....??

Shirt out, socks down...is this you?
Smart & professional looking - it's a piece of the jigsaw

It is clear that there is a difference but does it make a difference? Does taking one piece out of a jigsaw affect being able to make sense of the picture? Surely not….but the jigsaw remains incomplete and yes, I did hear some of you say that it “depends on the piece”..! Well, is this piece an important part of your presence as a coach? Do you wish to communicate certain things without saying a word? REMEMBER.....

"A bit of fun"...or a bit of a mistake..?

  • What you do
  • What you look like
  • What you say
  • HOW you say it.....

So what types of communication are there that you could use to help develop your presence and to impart your knowledge, and do you maximize the opportunity to utilize each one’s uniqueness?

Written - Emails easily misinterpreted
Visual - Vital!

Kinaesthetic - Reinforcement

Verbal/Auditory - Overused....??

How much of this information do we receive?

Words                        7%
Voice Tone                 38%
Non-Verbal                 55% 

Are you really serious about developing as a coach? Whether you are a beginner or experienced coach end your subscriptions to boringcoachdrill.com and dowhatmycoachdid.org and start thinking about the way you talk, begin practicing or increasing eye contact (which is difficult for a lot of people), reflect on the way you look, acquire and/or refine the visual tools that you are going to use in order to support your words and coaching goals (teaching boards, powerpoint, email).

Focus on your communication - the most important element of your coaching practice - the most knowledgeable coach in the world is not necessarily the most effective coach in the world. What and who are you as a coach of this wonderful game? You can choose a lot when designing your coaching ‘character’……

What choices do you have when designing you as 'Coach'?

Practice communication. Reflect on your communication and then practice some more. Enjoy.

Communication For Coaches Part II: 'The Coaching Process' - to come at a later stage.

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